Friday, July 11, 2014

The Follow by Email tool in the left sidebar

You can receive daily digests by email from the class site by entering your email address.  This works for posts, but not for comments.

NOTE: After you sign up you will receive a verification email to start your subscription.  You must click the link in that email to activate your subscription.

Research on Motivation and Our Course

How to motivate members of an organization to behave in accord with the organization's goals is a key issue for our class.  Economic incentives, when viewed from the psychology perspective, fall within the family of what they term extrinsic motivation.  The piece excerpted below followed by a backlink to the article, argues that for deep learning intrinsic motivation is better.  It's a useful thought to have in mind during our course.  Then the question becomes - when is extrinsic motivation necessary and when does it get in the way of intrinsic motivation?  I hope that by the course's conclusion members of the class will have some sense of a good answer to that question.