Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Future Assignments/Tips from class yesterday

We should now be getting into the routine for how work in our class will be done.  Excel Homework will be due Wednesday evenings most weeks.  Blog posts will be due Friday at noon.

The assigned homework will be given in the calendar a week before the due date, so you can get it done well ahead of the deadline.

Note that for Excel homework, there will also be a post on the main site about it, which is there if you have questions.  You can post those as comments to that post.  You might also be interested in reading the questions of your classmates.  Feel free to respond to those, if you feel you can help.

For the blog posts, note that you have the option to write on something other than the prompt - as long as you feel it is relevant to what the class is covering.  It may take you a few posts according to the prompt before you value this option.  But then know it is available to you.  It is always best to write about something that you feel strongly about.  This is meant to encourage you to do just that.

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This is just a reminder that in class yesterday I demonstrated the Split tool in Excel.  It is found under the View Menu.  If you mouse over one of the split bars and double click on it, you can remove it that way.  For our homework there may be some advantage to split the pane into an upper and lower view.  There probably won't be an advantage to having a left and right view.  You can also adjust where the split occurs by clicking on the split bar and dragging it.

I also did a quick demo of using the Blogger editor for spell check and to put in hyperlinks in your posts.  Doing both of those things is good practice for any sort of blogging, really for any writing online.

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